St Aidan’s Sunday Lunches
For many years , St Aidan's has provided a monthly home - cooked 3 course Sunday lunch at small cost for anyone living alone in the parish or nearby.It is not confined to Church members.
Although the number of people we can cater for is limited we do now have the opportunity to welcome a few new people to our group of regulars. If you or anyone you know would like to enjoy our regular lunch, please inform Sheila Tolley in advance (01706 527973 )
Also if you are unable to attend after confirming a place please inform Sheila asp , Many Thanks
Dates for 2019
20th Jan
17th Feb
17th March
28th April
19th May
15th September
13th Oct - Note this is 2nd Sunday
17th Nov
15th Dec
Dates for 2019
19th Jan