Parish Church of St Aidan Sudden Rochdale

Welcome To St Aidan's Church Sudden, Rochdale OL11 3EL

St Aidan's is a lively, friendly church that lies on the outskirts of Rochdale.

Our town is famous as the birthplace of the co-operative movement,

and that sense of togetherness, helping each other out and community spirit

runs through the life and soul of the church and the people who use it.

No matter if you are from just down the road or from the opposite side

of the world you are certain of one thing when you set foot through our front door....

 .....a warm welcome and a friendly smile

St Aidan's Church Mission Statement

To be a strong parish church family promoting and maintaining the life and

work of the church and spreading the good news about Jesus to the parish

and the wider community


St Aidan's CE Parish Church

Manchester Road


OL11 3EL

Vehicular Access OL11 3NH

Parish Map

Map of Parish of St Aidan Sudden and All Soul's Heywood

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